Encyclopedia of Local History (3rd ed.)

Publish Date: 02/01/2017

Encyclopedia of Local History

Third Edition

Amy H. Wilson (ed.)

The Encyclopedia of Local History addresses nearly every aspect of local history, including everyday issues, theoretical approaches, and trends in the field. This encyclopedia provides both the casual browser and the dedicated historian with adept commentary by bringing the voices of over one hundred experts together in one place. 

Entries include: 
  • Terms specifically related to the everyday practice of interpreting local history in the United States, such as “African American History,” “City Directories,” and “Latter-Day Saints.” 
  • Historical and documentary terms applied to local history such as “Abstract,” “Culinary History,” and “Diaries.” 
  • Detailed entries for major associations and institutions that specifically focus on their usage in local history projects, such as “Library of Congress” and “Society of American Archivists” 
  • Entries for every state and Canadian province covering major informational sources critical to understanding local history in that region. 
  • Entries for every major immigrant group and ethnicity. 

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