Welcome to the AASLH Resource Center

The AASLH Resource Center is a collection of resources designed to help you do good history. Here you can register for upcoming professional development events and build your personal library from recent History News issues and Technical Leaflets, recorded webinars, and audio recordings. Keep track of your learning all in your Dashboard as you explore by category and resource type.  

Featured Resources and Events

STEPS Enrollment
Enrollment in STEPS is open to AASLH Institutional and Academic Program members only. Nonmember organizations are required to first purchase an AASLH Institutional or Academic Program membership. New STEPS enrollees receive one copy of the spiral bound workbook, access to the STEPS Community and other benefits. COST: $195 AASLH Institutional/Academic Program Members
Introduction to Fundraising - On-Demand
We all know it costs money to run our organizations, but fundraising can be overwhelming! This course will use the four-phase fundraising cycle to provide tips and considerations to help you identify, cultivate, ask, and steward your current and potential donors to make fundraising more practical and accessible.
Us vs. Them? Creating Healthy Board Relationships - Live Webinar
April 3, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a discussion of the role of staff leaders in nurturing healthy governing authority relationships in history organizations.
AASLH Speed Networking: Career Pathways - Live Webinar
April 11, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a webinar focused on navigating the diversity of career paths and training opportunities in our field as an emerging and early-career professional. Three presenters will share their career paths and lessons learned navigating the field, as well as answering audience questions.
Strengthening History Communication: Reframing the Value of History and Your Institution (April 2025) - Virtual Workshop
April 24, 2025 | 1PM - 4pm EST | Strengthening History Communication: Reframing the Value of History and Your Institution is a half-day virtual workshop for history practitioners to learn how to communicate about their work more effectively to the public and media.
Working with Tourism Organizations - Live Webinar
April 29, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a discussion on working with tourism offices and destination marketing organizations to use their resources to increase your site's profile and attract more visitors.

Upcoming Events

View the calendar and register for upcoming courses, workshops, and webinars.

Recorded Webinars

Looking for a specific topic? Browse the library of previous webinars.

History News & Technical Leaflets

Catch up on the latest History News and Technical Leaflets.

Free Resources

Browse the collection of free resources.