Upcoming Events

Check this page regularly for the most current event schedule. 


Webinars are online discussions, typically lasting 60 to 75 minutes including a Q&A session. During each live webinar, you can use the Q&A and Chat features to type messages and questions to the panelists and other participants. Webinars are recorded so you can re-watch whenever you want.

Us vs. Them? Creating Healthy Board Relationships - Live Webinar
April 3, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a discussion of the role of staff leaders in nurturing healthy governing authority relationships in history organizations.
AASLH Speed Networking: Career Pathways - Live Webinar
April 11, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a webinar focused on navigating the diversity of career paths and training opportunities in our field as an emerging and early-career professional. Three presenters will share their career paths and lessons learned navigating the field, as well as answering audience questions.
Working with Tourism Organizations - Live Webinar
April 29, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a discussion on working with tourism offices and destination marketing organizations to use their resources to increase your site's profile and attract more visitors.
Working with Craftspeople at Museums and Historic Sites - Live Webinar
May 1, 2025 | 3 - 4:15PM ET | Join us for a discussion on welcoming craftspeople into your work to create engaging programs and reach new audiences.

Onsite and Virtual Workshops

Workshops are one to two day in-person or virtual training events. We offer several workshops every year in various locations around the country as well as online. Each workshop offers participants a chance to engage in intensive learning and discussion with faculty and classmates.

Interpreting Historic House Museums Today - AASLH's 2025 Historic House Museum In-Person Summit
April 21-23, 2025 | Ford House, Grosse Point Shores, MI The 2024 Historic House Museum Summit, Interpreting Historic House Museums Today, will bring leaders in the field of historic house museums together to discuss how these museums communicate the stories and meanings of their collections, buildings, and landscapes as well as what the future holds for engaging audiences with these historic places. The summit will conclude with recommendations for how AASLH can use the findings from the summit to prepare this part of the sector for the future of historic house interpretation.
Strengthening History Communication: Reframing the Value of History and Your Institution (April 2025) - Virtual Workshop
April 24, 2025 | 1PM - 4pm EST | Strengthening History Communication: Reframing the Value of History and Your Institution is a half-day virtual workshop for history practitioners to learn how to communicate about their work more effectively to the public and media.
Putting It All Together: Preparing for 2026 at Small History Organizations - May - Virtual Workshop
Tuesday, 20 May, from 12:00 to 4:00pm ET | The U.S. 250th is an opportunity to share history that tells everyone’s story and to strengthen the history field. AASLH has developed key resources to help practitioners both conceptually and concretely plan for this commemoration’s transformative potential. Attend this workshop to learn about the Making History at 250 field guide, our new handbook of low-resource programming ideas, and how to effectively apply these tools to your site or organization.

Instructor-Led Online Courses

Instructor-Led Online Courses are typically between four to eight weeks long. They offer each student a chance to engage deeply with subject material over an extended period of time. Keep on track with regular video chats and other interactions with accessible faculty, and discuss the course material with classmates in online forums.

Click here for a look at the 2025 Course Schedule.

Introduction to Financial Management (Summer 2025) - Online Course
June 16 - July 13, 2025| Introduction to Financial Management is an AASLH online course. This four-week course, taught by instructor Rebekah Beaulieu, provides an introduction to financial concepts, from understanding expenses and income to how to establish an endowment. Successful completion of this course will earn one credit toward the Small Museum Pro! certificate from AASLH.
Caring for Museum Collections (Summer 2025) - Online Course
June 16 - August 10, 2025 | Caring for Museum Collections is an AASLH online course. This eight-week practical course, taught by instructor Rebecca Elder, deals with the physical care and preservation of museum collections. Successful completion of this course will earn one credit toward the Small Museum Pro! certificate from AASLH.
Developing Exhibitions: Planning & Design (Summer 2025) - Online Course
June 16 - August 10, 2025| Developing Exhibitions: Developing Exhibits: Planning & Design is an AASLH online course. This eight-week course, taught by instructor Jenney Fazande, will introduce participants to the process of designing an exhibit. Successful completion of this course will earn one credit toward the Small Museum Pro! certificate from AASLH.

Courses on Demand

AASLH Courses On Demand are online courses designed by history professionals that can be accessed and followed independently at any time. They offer accessible primers on relevant topics that can be completely customized to the student's schedule. Courses share presentations and readings, but do not include mandatory meeting times or instructor or classmate interaction.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for History Organizations - On-Demand
For the first time in history, there are multiple generational cohorts in the workforce, and the cultural climate in the workplace has shifted. This course is designed to assist leaders in bringing awareness to cultural differences and backgrounds and train staff on how to celebrate them and work together. In this course, we will discuss what DEI is and to effectively drive it as a culture within your organization.
Program Planning for Nonprofits - On-Demand
In this course, students will be introduced to the Program Planning Cycle. The cycle includes identifying your organization’s needs, target audience, and resources. At the end of the course, students will have a framework to carry out program planning at their own organization, while having evaluated the current programs at their organization along the way.
Creating Engaging Social Media Content for History Organizations - On-Demand
In our increasingly online world, museums need to start thinking of social media as a program, not just as a marketing tool. In this course, we will learn some of the most effective strategies for engaging your audience on social media.