Recorded Book Talk: Interpreting Slavery with Children and Teens

Recorded On: 10/19/2021

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Book Talk Description

Kristin Gallas, co-editor of Interpreting Slavery at Museums and Historic Sites (2014), discusses her new book Interpreting Slavery with Children and Teens (Oct. 2021) and the importance of creating appropriate programming for all ages on this essential topic. Developing successful experiences—school programs, field trips, family tours—about slavery is more than just historical research and some hands-on activities. It requires empathy, respect, and willingness to engage in dialogue with young learners. Join the author as she shares findings from her research and answers questions about creating brave spaces for interpretation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand why interpreting slavery with young audiences is appropriate and necessary, and how it differs from adult programming
  • Understand how physical, emotional, intellectual, and social engagement are all integral to the learning experience
  • Learn how to discuss implementing interpretation at your site with other staff and board


RECORDED ON: October 19, 2021

COST: $5 AASLH Members / $15 Nonmembers

ACCESS: You will be provided with instructions on how to access the live event upon registration.

Recording and Captioning

Captions are included on the video recording and transcript is provided.

How to Register

Click here for instructions on how to register yourself or another user for this event. 

Kristin Gallas


MUSE Consulting, Medford, MA

Kristin facilitates workshops for museums and historic sites on developing comprehensive and conscientious interpretation of slavery and speaks regularly at conferences. Clients include: George Mason’s Gunston Hall, multiple National Park Service sites, Historic Philadelphia, Morven Museum and Garden, Royall House and Slave Quarters, and Whitney Plantation. She is the co-editor, with James DeWolf Perry, of Interpreting Slavery at Museums and Historic Sites, and author of Interpreting Slavery with Children and Teens at Museums and Historic Sites. Kristin holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary history education from University of Vermont and a master’s degree in museum education from George Washington University.

Click here for instructions on how to register yourself or another user for this event. 

Components visible upon registration.

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