Caring for Museum Collections (Summer 2023) - Online Course
- Registration Closed
Course Description
This eight-week course will deal with the physical care and preservation of your museum collections. This practical course will cover how collections age and deteriorate, handling collections, storage requirements, environmental considerations, housekeeping, and risk management.
Each week of this course contains a narrative discussion of a topic in the form of Lessons. The lessons and web-based readings, combined with your professional experiences, will provide you with a grounding in the week’s topic.
SESSION DATES: June 12 – August 6, 2023
COST: $215 AASLH Members / $315 Nonmembers / 10% discount for STEPS participants with promo code found in the online STEPS Community or by emailing learn@aaslh.org
OPEN REGISTRATION: March 10th to June 5th, 2023; 30 participant limit. Courses typically fill up before the registration deadline, so register early.
Course Logistics
FORMAT: Online, Instructor-led, Weekly-paced course
LENGTH: 8 weeks
PARTICIPATION: Students should expect to spend approximately 5-7 hours per week on readings, text-based forum discussions, Zoom chats, and assignments.
LIVE ZOOM DISCUSSIONS: We recommend downloading the Zoom mobile or desktop app for this course. Zoom discussions are recorded in case a participant is unable to attend the live sessions.
MATERIALS: This course requires participants have access to museum collections to successfully complete this course, either as a staff member, volunteer, or intern. There are no required texts for this course. All other materials will be provided.
TECHNOLOGY: Participants will need access to internet and a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet to participate in this course. For the live Zoom discussions, we recommend having access to a camera and a headset, earpods, or other audio and microphone device. Automatic captioning is available in the Zoom discussions.
CREDIT: Successful completion of this course (80% or higher) will earn one credit toward the Small Museum Pro! certificate from AASLH.
Participant Outcomes
After completing this course, participants will understand principles and best practices of physical care and preservation of museum collections including the following:
- Know the major causes of deterioration for museum objects and how to use that information to enhance long-term preservation;
- Know how to handle objects in the safest way;
- Know how to examine and document the condition of objects in your collections;
- Know how to display your collections in a way that prolongs their life;
- Know how to store and house your collections in the way that best preserves them;
- Understand the importance of environmental control for the preservation of your collections;
- Know the best ways to clean your museum; and
- Know how to perform a risk assessment of your museum and use it to write a disaster plan.
Who Should Take This Course
This course is a beginning level course designed for professional staff and volunteers of historical organizations and libraries with historical collections who have little to no experience with conservation of collections. This course requires participants have access to museum collections to successfully complete this course, either as a staff member, volunteer, or intern.
How to Register
Click here for instructions on how to register yourself or another user for this event.

Rebecca Elder
Online Course Instructor
Email: rebecca@elderpreservation.com
Rebecca Elder is an experienced cultural heritage preservation consultant who helps clients find practical and achievable solutions to care for their history collections. She collaborates with libraries, museums, archives, municipalities and families to tailor preservation plans to their resources and timelines.
In 2014, Rebecca founded Rebecca Elder Cultural Heritage Preservation to provide preservation advice to clients holding history collections. Rebecca has also worked at Amigos Library Services, the Harvard University Libraries and the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. Rebecca received her MSIS and a Certificate of Advanced Studies for Conservation of Library and Archival Materials from the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin, and now is adjunct faculty at the iSchool, teaching Preservation Management and Treatment Techniques for Bound Materials. She also serves as coordinator for the National Heritage Responders, a team of volunteer conservators and allied professionals who respond to disasters.
Rebecca is a Professional Associate member of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. She also engages in professional service with the American Institute for Conservation, the Society of American Archivists, the Society of Southwest Archivists, and the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries and Museums.
Rebecca lives in Austin, TX with her four cats: Frankie, Princess Snowball, Thingy and Tucker the Most Interesting Cat In The World (@heytuckercat on Instagram). She knits obsessively, collects smashed pennies, and isn’t afraid to admit that she loves 1970s white polyester jumpsuit Elvis. Looking to connect? Head to www.elderpreservation.com. She’ll be glad you did.

If you have any questions, please contact AASLH Professional Development staff at learn@aaslh.org or 615-320-3203.
Cancellation/Refunds for onsite workshops must be submitted in writing via email to learn@aaslh.org or mail to 2021 21st Ave S., Suite 320 Nashville, TN 37212. Cancellations made prior to the early-bird registration deadline date will receive a full refund. Cancellations made between the early-bird deadline date and eight days prior to the workshop will be subject to a $55 processing/materials charge. No refunds will be given within seven days of the workshop date. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.
Cancellations/Refunds for online professional development (webinars and online courses) must be submitted in writing via email to learn@aaslh.org or mail to 2021 21st Ave S., Suite 320 Nashville, TN 37212. Cancellations made prior to the start date for the online course or the day of the webinar will be given a full refund. No refund will be given after the start date for the online course or on/after the day of the webinar. Registrants may transfer their registration to another person. Registrations cannot be transferred between courses or course sessions. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.