Recorded Webinar: Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: Science, Threats, and Opportunity

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Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: Science, Threats, and Opportunity is an AASLH Continuing Education recorded webinar. This webinar is about the field’s most common climate change related challenges, and the tools being used to become resilient in the face of such sweeping change. This event is presented by Sarah Sutton. Sarah Sutton leads a discussion of the field’s most common climate change related challenges, and the tools being used to become resilient in the face of such sweeping change. Two guest presenters will describe how their work has already been seriously impacted by climate change. They discuss their perspectives, experiences, and solutions for managing the intersection between cultural heritage and climate change.


Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: Science, Threats, and Opportunity
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This AASLH Recorded Webinar includes a discussion of the field’s most common climate change related challenges, and the tools being used to become resilient in the face of such sweeping change.