Doing History in Polarized Times - Day 1 / Session 2 - Trust and Strategy in Communication - Recording

Doing History in Polarized Times - Day 1 / Session 2 - Trust and Strategy in Communication - Recording

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The virtual summit’s second session features two TED talk-style presentations about themes vital to productive conversation: trust and strategy. The speakers will address questions including how to navigate difficult conversations with competing perspectives and what strategic communication is and why it matters. This session will offer skills critical to effective communication across varied scenarios.

Cancellation/Refunds for onsite workshops must be submitted in writing via email to or mail to 2021 21st Ave S., Suite 320 Nashville, TN 37212. Cancellations made prior to the early-bird registration deadline date will receive a full refund. Cancellations made between the early-bird deadline date and eight days prior to the workshop will be subject to a $55 processing/materials charge. No refunds will be given within seven days of the workshop date. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.

Cancellations/Refunds for online professional development (webinars and online courses) must be submitted in writing via email to or mail to 2021 21st Ave S., Suite 320 Nashville, TN 37212. Cancellations made prior to the start date for the online course or the day of the webinar will be given a full refund. No refund will be given after the start date for the online course or on/after the day of the webinar. Registrants may transfer their registration to another person. Registrations cannot be transferred between courses or course sessions. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.

If you have any questions, please contact AASLH Professional Development staff at or 615-320-3203.

Nat Kendall-Taylor

Chief Executive Officer

FrameWorks Institute

Nat Kendall-Taylor, PhD, is chief executive officer at the FrameWorks Institute, a research think tank in Washington, DC. He leads a multi-disciplinary team in conducting and implementing research on public understanding and framing of social issues. A psychological anthropologist, Nat publishes widely on communications research and lectures frequently. He is senior fellow at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, visiting professor at the Child Study Center at Yale School of Medicine, and fellow at the British-American Project.

Sarah Pharaon


Dialogic Consulting

As a facilitator and museum professional, Sarah believes that how we engage matters. She has spent her career training our nation's story tellers - museums, national parks, and cultural centers - to help their visitors better discuss immigration, mass incarceration, gun violence, climate change, slavery, and both reproductive and civil rights. And every once in a while, she works with penguins. Sarah’s projects help audiences grapple with perspectives outside of their own lived experience, using dialogue to connect communities across difference. Prior to launching her own firm, Dialogic Consulting, in 2020, Sarah was a Senior Director at the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, worked as the Director of Education at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum and was the founding curator of the Arab American National Museum. She serves on the American Jewish Museums Advisory Council and is a member of the Emeritus Council of the American Association of State and Local History.


Polarized Times Summit - Session Two - Trust and Strategy in Communication
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  45 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  45 minutes