History News Article: "And the Survey Says: History is the Foundation for a Stronger Future”
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History News Article
Title: "And the Survey Says: History is the Foundation for a Stronger Future" by Norman Burns
Issue: History News 2020 Volume 75, #1
Description: This article overviews the findings of Conner Prairie’s commissioned national survey to discover Americans’ views on the relevance of history and the role of museums in society today. Statistics included in the article address the value and relevance of history in building a better future; the ways Americans want to engage with history at museums; museums as a forum for civics education; the importance of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access; generational views on history; and words Americans used to describe museums. This article closes with conclusions drawn from the survey and how museums can use the results to engage our communities and enact positive change.
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History News is the official magazine of AASLH. It exists to foster publication, scholarly research, and an open forum for discussion of best practices, applicable theories, and professional experiences pertinent to the field of state and local history. A History News subscription is a benefit of AASLH membership. Each quarterly issue includes featured articles, regular columns, and a Technical Leaflet.
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Norman Burns
Chair, American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)
President and CEO, Conner Prairie Museum
Email: nburns@connerprairie.org
Norman Burns, President and CEO of Conner Prairie Museum in Fishers, Indiana, has been actively involved in museum administration and entrepreneurial leadership, fund raising, preservation, conservation, education, and cultural heritage tourism for over 34 years. As the CEO and Executive Director of six different historic properties and general museums in Tennessee, Virginia and Indiana, he has successfully developed nationally recognized-award winning programs, and created innovative approaches and compelling visions for operating history and general museums. Burns has served on various boards and committees for local, state, regional, and national cultural organizations including AAM Accreditation and MAP programs, and is the Chair for the American Association for State and Local History.