History News Article: Centering Truths, Not So Evident
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History News Article
Title: "Centering Truths, Not So Evident: Reimagining the Santa Fe Soldiers' Monument" by Estevan Rael-Gálvez
Issue: History News 2020 Volume 75, #4
Description: This article gives a brief history of the Santa Fe Soldiers’ Monument and offers suggestions for reinterpreting it. Dr. Rael-Gálvez’s insight into reimagining this monument offers inspiration for how communities grappling with harmful commemorative memorials that perpetuate and codify violence in historical memory can work to transform those sites into spaces of healing and reconciliation. Through reinterpretation and renewed installations, these communities can tell the stories of and memorialize those purposefully left out of the nation’s collective historical memory.
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History News is the official magazine of AASLH. It exists to foster publication, scholarly research, and an open forum for discussion of best practices, applicable theories, and professional experiences pertinent to the field of state and local history. A History News subscription is a benefit of AASLH membership. Each quarterly issue includes featured articles, regular columns, and a Technical Leaflet.
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