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History News is the official magazine of AASLH. Each quarterly issue includes featured articles, regular columns, and a Technical Leaflet. Table of Contents: On Doing Local History: Local Historians, Politics, and the Public Good by Carol Kammen and Hope Shannon; The Whole is Greater:Ready to Listen, Speak, and Act by the AASLH Diversity and Inclusion Task Force; Investing in the Ecosystem by Amanda L. Higgins, and Patrick A. Lewis; Emerging Labor: Work and the New Public Historian by Jess Lamar Reece Holler; Talking about Slavery When Your Museum Wants to Avoid It by Cait Johnson; Hungry for History: Bringing Social Studies Back to Alabama by Caroline Gibbons; "Do You Have Anything in Your Museum about Me?" by Breann Velasco; Technical Leaflet #281: Get to Work: Crafting Cover Letters and Resumes for Emerging Professionals by Michael Dove and Krista McCracken; Reviews: Museum People podcast (rev. Hannah Hethmon); Manual of Digital Museum Planning (rev. Ty Pierce). Winter 2018.