Introduction to Fundraising - On-Demand
- Nonmember - $90
- Academic Program - $65
- Academic Faculty - $65
- Academic Student - $65
- Partner Institution - $65
- Partner Institution Staff - $65
- Premier Partner Institution - $65
- Premier Institution Staff - $65
- Platinum Partner Institution - $65
- Platinum Institution Staff - $65
- Complimentary - $65
- Individual Membership - $65
- Subscription Services - $65
- Institutional Budget - $65
- Institutional Staff - $65
- Individual Student - $65
- Institutional Member - $65
- Individual Student Renew - $65
Course Description
We all know it costs money to run our organizations, but fundraising can be overwhelming! This course will use the four-phase fundraising cycle to provide tips and considerations to help you identify, cultivate, ask, and steward your current and potential donors to make fundraising more practical and accessible.
Learning Outcomes
· Learn why and how people support causes that are important to them
· Understand the importance of gathering and tracking information from supporters
· Gain insight into how to build and grow relationships with current and potential donors
· Learn strategies for more effective fundraising asks
· Understand the role of stewardship in donor retention
COST: $65 AASLH Members / $90 Nonmembers
FORMAT: Online self-paced, broken into sections expected to be done over 5 weeks approximately 5-7 hours of work per week

Jamie Simek
Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art
Jamie Simek’s 20-year career in organization and constituent relations includes stops in university and alumni relations, student organization advising, veterans services, fundraising training, and grant writing. As the fundraising educator for Local History Services at the Indiana Historical Society, she taught fundraising, grant writing, and evaluation methods to hundreds of heritage organization leaders. First at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum and now at the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, she is the grants manager and a member of the advancement team. Jamie is the author of Beyond the Bake Sale: Fundraising for Local History Organizations, published by Rowan & Littlefield in 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact AASLH Professional Development staff at learn@aaslh.org or 615-320-3203.