Live Webinar: Insurance Best Practices (Sponsored by National Trust Insurance Services)
- Registration Closed
Webinar Description
Having appropriate insurance and organizational risk management protocols in place has never been more important than it is right now. Join Kevin Sullivan, with National Trust Insurance Services (the insurance subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation), to discuss a wide variety of topics that are both timely (i.e COVID-19) and longstanding best practices for the owners of historic structures and the organizations that operate within them. Subject areas discussed include, however are not limited to, COVID-19 topics (business income and liability considerations resulting from the virus) and the things you should consider when contemplating insurance for your buildings, collections, your volunteers, your visitors, and dealing with third parties (vendors, contractors, event renters, etc.). Lastly, there will be a portion of the session dedicated to Q&A so Kevin can address your specific questions directly.
DATE: April 29, 2020
TIME: 3:00 - 4:00 pm EASTERN (Remember to adjust for your time zone)
COST: FREE; This webinar is being provided for free thanks to a sponsorship by National Trust Insurance Services
ACCESS: You will be provided with instructions on how to access the live event upon registration.
Recording and Closed Captioning
We will record this event. Access the Recorded Webinar in the AASLH Resource Center after the event has passed. Registrants of this event receive complimentary access to the recording in their Dashboard.
Closed captioning is provided for the live event. A transcription of the closed captions is provided with the recording.

Kevin Sullivan
National Trust Insurance Services, LLC
Kevin Sullivan oversees client servicing for National Trust Insurance, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He assists the owners and stewards of historic structures (house museums, historic theatres, historical societies, preservation organization, etc.) with their insurance procurement and helps advise clients as to the proper policies to carry. National Trust Insurance has thousands of clients in almost every State. Kevin attended Denison University (BA) and the University of Baltimore (MBA). He is a Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and sits on the Board of the League of Historic American Theatres.

Cancellation/Refunds for onsite workshops must be submitted in writing via email or mail. Cancellations made prior to the early-bird registration deadline date will receive a full refund. Cancellations made between the early-bird deadline date and eight days prior to the workshop will be subject to a $55 processing/materials charge. No refunds will be given within seven days of the workshop date. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.
Cancellations/Refunds for online continuing education (webinars and online courses) must be submitted in writing via email or mail. Cancellations made prior to the start date for the online course or the day of the webinar will be given a full refund. No refund will be given after the start date for the online course or on/after the day of the webinar. Registrants may transfer their registration to another person. Registrations cannot be transferred between courses or course sessions. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.
If you have any questions, please contact AASLH Programs staff at 615-320-3203 or learn@aaslh.org.