Recorded Session: Getting Real: Using Civics as a Forum for Debating Our Constitution
Recorded On: 09/04/2020
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Session Description
Getting Real: Using Civics as a Forum for Debating Our Constitution is a Pre-Recorded session of the 2020 AASLH Online Annual Meeting.
The Civics Renewal Network hosts a discussion on the tools, programs, and collective experience bringing civics back to the forefront. Our students and visitors have the right and the desire to engage in issues that matter. Explore ways all organizations can use tools of democracy to empower and engage visitors.
Chair: Kerry Sautner, Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA
Panelists: Melanie H. Bowyer, Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc., Charlottesville, VA; Elisabeth Rose Osborn, Indiana University Center on Representative Government, Bloomington, IN; Frank Valadez, American Bar Association, Chicago, IL; K. Allison Wickens, George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Mt. Vernon, VA
RECORDED DATE: September 4, 2020
COST: $5 AASLH Members / $10 Nonmembers / Free for Full Access and Basic Access Annual Meeting attendees w/ Promo Code (email info@aaslh.org)
ACCESS: You will be provided with instructions on how to access the recording upon registration.
Recording and Captioning
A transcript is provided with the recording.
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