Recorded Webinar: Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion at Museum and Historic Sites
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Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion at Museum and Historic Sites is an AASLH Continuing Education recorded webinar. This webinar is about strategies for museums professionals to demonstrate cultural competency on multiple levels in order to help create a place for underrepresented communities at the museum table. This event is presented by Monica O. Montgomery. Museums and other history-minded institutions have the ability to connect a number of people–visitors, staff, volunteers, and stakeholders– in a variety of different ways. But how can we make sure that all of the communities we serve, or want to serve, see themselves in both our exhibitions and learning opportunities and as content creators? The webinar will provide strategies for museums professionals to demonstrate cultural competency on multiple levels in order to help create a place for underrepresented communities at the museum table.
About the Instructor:
Monica O. Montgomery is an international speaker, arts administrator and director, curating media and museums in service to society. Her expertise converges at the intersection of community engagement, grassroots museum practice, diversity and social justice. She is the recipient of a 2016 Arts Entrepreneurship award from Fractured Atlas. Monica directs two community museums at opposite ends of the contemporary and historic spectrum. She makes history come alive as Director of the Lewis Latimer Historic House Museum; and she curates art and activism as Director of the Museum of Impact (MOI: the world’s first mobile social justice museum). She is Strategic Director of Museum Hue a multicultural collective advancing people of color in arts, culture, museums and creative economy. She keynotes around the world and is an alumna of Temple University & LaSalle University, with Bachelors & Masters of Communication.