Recorded Webinar: History Check-In: Civil Rights and Place
Recorded On: 10/10/2019
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Civil Rights and Place: The Importance of Region to Interpreting the Black Freedom Movement of the 1950s-60
The civil rights movement of the mid-to-late twentieth century remains a focus of popular fascination, yet few audiences are aware of the wide-ranging goals, participations, and geographical settings that made this movement possible. This presentation argues that the "classic," post-World War II civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s encompassed local communities outside the regional South -- contrary to standard depictions of mid-century black social movements. Further, this presentation discusses how the forms of both white racism and black resistance differed based on the regional battlegrounds of the Midwest, Northeast, West Coast, and Border South.
This webinar is part of the History Check-In webinar series, a partnership between the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) and the Organization of American Historians (OAH). Each webinar in this series is designed to provide history professionals from throughout the field with an update on the current state of historiography for a particular subject.
RECORDED DATE: October 10, 2019
COST: $10 Members of AASLH and OAH (OAH members should contact OAH for a discount code) / $20 Non-members