Recorded Webinar: Interpreting Slavery: Building a Theoretical Foundation

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Interpreting Slavery: Building a Theoretical Foundation is an AASLH Continuing Education recorded webinar. This webinar is about the theoretical underpinnings for interpreting slavery, including how contested narratives and race play a role in the giving/receiving of interpretation. This event is presented by Kristin Gallas. Do you interpret the institution of slavery or the lives of enslaved people at your historic site/museum? Join us as we share the theoretical underpinnings for interpreting slavery, including how contested narratives and race play a role in the giving/receiving of interpretation. This webinar will help you achieve a greater understanding of the difficult knowledge and complicated emotions surrounding this complex history.

Kristin Gallas is a consultant with the Tracing Center on Histories and Legacies of Slavery, overseeing the design of workshops for educators and public history professionals. She is the co-editor of Interpreting Slavery at Museums and Historic Sites (Rowman & Littlefield, January 2015), among other publications on best practices in the interpretation of slavery. She has led the education/interpretation departments at the Montana Historical Society, the USS Constitution Museum, and currently at the Tsongas Industrial History Center.


Interpreting Slavery: Building a Theoretical Foundation
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Join us as we share the theoretical underpinnings for interpreting slavery, including how contested narratives and race play a role in the giving/receiving of interpretation.