Recorded Webinar: Reframing Fundraising
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Reframing Fundraising
New tools for enhancing your fundraising efforts
Webinar Description
History museums and related organizations do work that is critically important to the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and the nation. Yet history organizations are also chronically underfunded, with too few staff and resources to serve their audiences in the most effective way possible. How should history organizations position their fundraising efforts in 2022? How can history organizations better communicate their value to donors, sponsors, and grant makers? How can you better articulate why your work is important?
This webinar will assist professionals and volunteers at history organizations of all types and sizes to craft more compelling and more effective fundraising messaging. Drawing on evidence from AASLH’s Reframing History initiative, this webinar will provide history practitioners with practical takeaways about how to craft fundraising messages that will resonate with their intended audiences.
RECORDED ON: June 29, 2022
COST: $5 AASLH Members / $15 Nonmembers
ACCESS: You will be provided with instructions on how to access the live event upon registration.
How to Register
Click here for instructions on how to register yourself or another user for this event.

Bryce Gorman
Grant Service Manager
Office of Indiana Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch
Bryce Gorman is the Grants Manager in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor’s Business Office in the State of Indiana. Bryce works with the rest of the Grant Services team to provide oversight of over $80M in state and federal grant funding opportunities in Indiana. Prior to his role in state government, Bryce was the Fundraising Educator for Local History Services at the Indiana Historical Society where he worked with local history organizations to provide fundraising training and consultations. He managed many functions of the Heritage Support Grant program which funded much needed projects for history organizations across Indiana. Bryce has spent 12 years in fundraising for nonprofit organizations in New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Houston.

Lynne Toye
Executive Director
New Jersey Arts & Culture Renewal Fund
Lynne Toye is the inaugural Executive Director of the New Jersey Arts and Culture Renewal Fund. The Fund was established in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and supports organizations facing ongoing and post-pandemic challenges. It awards grants to arts and culture nonprofits and nonprofit history organizations. The Fund is a public-private collaboration supported by corporate and private foundations, individual donors, and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Ms. Toye’s professional experience includes leadership roles in nonprofit administration and higher education. She holds degrees from the University of Virginia and the Wharton School of Business.
Click here for instructions on how to register yourself or another user for this event.
If you have any questions, please contact AASLH Professional Development staff at learn@aaslh.org or 615-320-3203.