Recorded Webinar: Social Media 101 at Museums and Historic Sites
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Social Media 101 at Museums and Historic Sites is an AASLH Continuing Education recorded webinar. This webinar is about effective social engagement for museums and historic sites. This event is presented by Hannah Hethmon. Is your organization looking to expand its impact and attendance through social media? Join AASLH for crash course on effective social engagement for museums and historic sites.
65% of all adults in the U.S. use at least one social media site. From sharing family photos to learning about what is happening in the world to organizing revolutions to planning a day trip, social media has connected local and international communities like never before. History organizations can be intimidated by the number and variety of social media platforms available. Where do you start? How can history museums best navigate this constantly changing, super connected world? Join AASLH’s Hannah Hethmon for an intensive introduction to social media use at museums and historic sites. Whether you are just setting up your site’s accounts or have been using social media for years, this is a great chance to learn best practices and ask questions.