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Every project has a story, and the field want to hear yours! Public history publications offer a way to share your research and experiences with others, gather feedback from across the field, and make connections for future partnerships. But how do you get started? Join editors from AASLH, NCPH, and Nursing Clio to learn about sharing your work through magazines, journals, and blogs. We’ll cover the basics of submitting work to History News, AASLH blogs, The Public Historian, History@Work, and the Nursing Clio blog, with tips on choosing your platform and focus. Readers across the country look to public history publications to gain ideas and inspiration for their own work, so sharing new techniques, hidden history, and challenges and opportunities in digital or hardcopy print is essential for a diverse and thriving field. Join us to find out how you can become a resource for the field by writing and sharing your public history work.
RECORDED DATE: May 30, 2019
COST: $15 Members of AASLH and NCPH (NCPH members should contact NCPH for a discount code) / $30 Nonmembers
Description and Outcomes:
Participant Outcomes:
- Learn about different kinds and requirements of publishing opportunities
- Understand publishing outlets are accessible and that writing about Public History is not just for professors, senior level folks, etc.
- Know their work matters, and the field benefits when it hears from diverse voices outside the usual crowd
- Be inspired to share to share their research on publishing outlets discussed
Sarah Handley-Cousins, Editor of Nursing Clio, Sarah Case, Managing Editor of The Public Historian, Nicole Belolan, Co-Editor of The Public Historian, John Marks, Editor of History News, and Aja Bain, Program and Publications Manager at AASLH and Associate Editor of History News. Each brings a unique perspective on the world of history publications and the process for writers, which we look forward to having them share as presenters in this webinar.
AASLH has partnered with the National Council on Public History (NCPH) to produce this webinar. NCPH members can contact their membership organization and request a promo code to receive discounted pricing on this webinar.