Technical Leaflet 203: New Director! New Directions?

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New Director! New Directions? is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #203 by Anne W. Ackerson  provides tips for both job-seekers and the board selecting a new employee. Hiring a new director is a two-way street for the organization and the potential candidate. Ackerson provides guidance for boards assessing what they need in a candidate depending on the institution's development and also for potential employees determining the needs of the board. She breaks down three types of assessment that should occur between the candidate, board of directors, and institution -assessing where an institution is developmentally, assessing where the board is philosophically, and assessing where the director is professionally. Additionally, she provides a list of the roles a director plays that potential candidates and boards will find helpful as they look for a new position or director.


New Director! New Directions?
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This AASLH Technical Leaflet provides tips for both job-seekers and the board selecting a new employee.