Technical Leaflet 240: Telling a Story in 100 Words: Effective Label Copy
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Telling a Story in 100 Words: Effective Label Copy is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #240 by Larry Borowsky provides tips for writing engaging and effective label copy. Visitors are more likely to retain information told in a narrative-driven format that resembles a story. Larry Borowsky shows how to write labels that grab readers' attention and help them retain important information. He overviews the elements of a 100-word story and outlines the ultimate purpose for making label copy more narrative-driven. Included are questions to ask when thinking about the story being told that will guide script writers in producing a provocative story. For more information on similar topics, please refer to Technical Leaflet Bundle 23, Interpreting History.