Technical Leaflet 242: DIY Strategic Planning for Small Museums
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DIY Strategic Planning for Small Museums is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #242 by Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko provides an approach for small museums considering strategic planning, adapted from the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum. Numerous small museums feel they do not have the time or staff to carry out strategic planning. Catlin-Legutko outlines the steps for strategic planning preparation and assessing whether an organization is ready for this step. Strategic planning is organized in three key processes -preparation, facilitation, and formatting. Each phase is explained with easy-to-follow instructions. Charts and checklists guide small museums in creating a strategic plan and evaluating the effectiveness of its implementation. For more information on similar topics, please refer to Technical Leaflet Bundle 22, Help in a Tough Economy, and Technical Leaflet Bundle 26, Special Help for Small Museums.