Technical Leaflet 244: How Sustainable is Your Historic House Museum?
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How Sustainable is Your Historic House Museum? is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #244 by AASLH's Historic House Affinity Group Committee outlines 11 key components for creating a sustainable house museum and making it a valued organization within the community. Historic house museums face many challenges, from declining audiences to expensive maintenance. Making a sustainable institution requires audience engagement and effective marketing. Topics range from partnerships with leaders in the community to innovative programs and interpretation. Each point includes an example of a historic house museum implementing a sustainable practice. A checklist of "Characteristics of Historic House Museums in Peril" is also included for house museums to use to assess their sustainability and current practices. For more information on similar topics, please refer to Technical Leaflet Bundle 24, Twenty-first Century Top Five, and Technical Leaflet Bundle 26, Special Help for Small Museums.