Technical Leaflet 248: The Handling and Exhibition of Potentially Hazardous Artifacts
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The Handling and Exhibition of Potentially Hazardous Artifacts is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #248 by Neil Cockerline and Melinda Markell provides a primer of how to deal with specific types of objects. Historical collections often contain hazardous and dangerous artifacts of dubious origin. Neil Cockerline and Melinda Markell provide a primer of how to deal with specific types of objects, ranging from firearms to taxidermied specimen, and those containing unsafe materials, such as asbestos and cellulose nitrate. Each object or material is defined with ways to identify it and an explanation of its dangers. The full range of objects and materials covered are ammunition and explosives, asbestos, cellulose nitrate, ethnographic artifacts, such as weapons containing poisons, firearms, glass globe or glass cylinder fire extinguishing bombs, industrial and household preservatives, poisons, solvents, cleaning agents, medical equipment, scalpels, medicines, mold, swords, knives, and other military and hunting equipment, taxidermy specimens, and veterinary medicines and equipment. This makes an easy-to-use reference tool for dealing with potentially hazardous artifacts.