Technical Leaflet 249: Exhibit Makeovers: Do-It-Yourself Exhibit Planning
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Exhibit Makeovers: Do-It-Yourself Exhibit Planning is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #249 by Alice Parman provides step-by-step instructions for planning exhibits, with the goal of engaging visitors in mind. The key to exhibit planning is creating entry points for visitors to connect to the content. Alice Parman explains the need for exhibits to be meaningful and authentic in order to be transformative for visitors. The instructions primarily focus on planning the exhibit's content, beginning with the planning process of developing a storyline that promotes the organization's mission and conveys take-home messages. The last step addresses installing the exhibit but primarily focuses on creating the blueprint and assembling the pieces necessary for installation.