Technical Leaflet 252: The Gift of History

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The Gift of History is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #252 by Dennis A. O'Toole explores what history means for communities, families, and individuals and its prevalence in everyday life. History organizations play a key role in how history is preserved and the connections the public makes with the past. Americans consistently report museums and historical organizations as the most trustworthy places to learn about history and cite these as places where they have made strong connections to the past. O'Toole ponders on the future of the history field and how history professionals will need to embrace it in light of the opportunities and challenges posed by changing demographics, rapid advances in technology, and shrinking funds. For more information on similar topics, please refer to Technical Leaflet Bundle 26, Special Help for Small Museums.


The Gift of History
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This AASLH Technical Leaflet explores what history means for communities, families, and individuals and its prevalence in everyday life.