Technical Leaflet 257: Is Your Site Grant-Ready?
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Is Your Site Grant-Ready? is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #257 by Sarah S. Brophy utlines the steps that must be taken before applying for grants with an easy-to-use checklist that guides grant-writing preparation. Applying for a grant is not easy task and requires more preparation than just writing a narrative. This leaflet outlines what granting foundations find attractive and how to prepare for a grant application, from matching your institution with the right funders to determining what sets apart your organization from other applicants. Brophy explains what aspects of an organization funders will examine -organizational mission, location and audience, impact/effect, quality, and edge. She also provides tips for demonstrating the match between funders and deserving organizations. For more information on similar topics, please refer to Technical Leaflet Bundle 26, Special Help for Small Museums.