Technical Leaflet 266: Developing Comprehensive Interpretation of Slavery at Historic Sites

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Developing Comprehensive Interpretation of Slavery at Historic Sites is an AASLH Technical Leaflet. AASLH Technical Leaflets are brief, practical guides on how to do history. Technical Leaflet #266 by Kristin L. Gallas and James DeWolf Perry tackles the results of a survey to explore the needs and challenges in interpreting slavery. The Tracing Center conducted a survey to explore the needs and challenges in interpreting slavery. We organized the responses into a framework to help structure the creation of a comprehensive and conscientious interpretation of slavery:

  1. Comprehensive content
  2. Race and identity awareness
  3. Institutional investment
  4.  Community involvement
  5. Visitor experiences and expectations
  6. Staff training


TL 266: Developing Comprehensive Interpretation of Slavery at Historic Sites
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This AASLH Technical Leaflet outlines what one organization did to interpret the history of slavery.