The Academic Museum (Fall 2024) - Online Course

The Academic Museum (Fall 2024) - Online Course

Recorded On: 08/12/2024

  • Registration Closed

The Academic Museum

Course Description

AAMG and AASLH have partnered to offer a new course to address the specific needs of museum practitioners at, or collaborating with, college and university museums, galleries, and collections. This course will benefit academic museums and galleries of different types and sizes and is designed for those with limited academic museum experience. We will discuss art, natural history, science, history, and mixed collections, as well as campus relations, fundraising, collections care, loans, finances, donations, working with faculty, hosting students and community connections. The goal of the course is to establish a solid foundation for navigating these and other common campus issues, and give participants positive, useful resources to create a vibrant, engaging space for students and the public.

Course Logistics

COST: $250 AASLH Members / $350 Nonmembers / 10% discount for STEPS participants with promo code found in the online STEPS Community or by emailing

REGISTRATION: July1 - August 20, 2024

FORMAT: Online, Instructor-led, Weekly-paced course

LENGTH: 8 weeks, August 26-October 18, 2024

PARTICIPATION: Students should expect to spend approximately 5 hours per week on this course including videos, readings, live sessions, and assignments.

LIVE ZOOM DISCUSSIONS: We recommend downloading the Zoom mobile or desktop app for this course.

· A one-hour live Zoom discussion will be held weekly

· Final dates/times will be determined by the instructor at the start of the course

· Zoom discussions are recorded in case a participant is unable to attend the live sessions

MATERIALS: There are no required texts for this course. All other materials will be provided.

TECHNOLOGY: Participants will need access to internet and a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet to participate in this course. For the live Zoom discussions, we recommend having access to a camera and a headset, earpods, or other audio and microphone device. Automatic captioning is available in the Zoom discussions.


Successful completion of this course (B or higher) will earn a Certificate of Completion from AASLH.

Who Should Take This Course

Museum or other professionals who are interested in working with academic museums either as staff, faculty, or in a partner capacity. Academic museums have a different reporting structure, and responsibility chain than non-academic museums, and understanding these differences will create a more cohesive work environment for all parties.

Cancellation/Refunds for onsite workshops must be submitted in writing via email to or mail to 2021 21st Ave S., Suite 320 Nashville, TN 37212. Cancellations made prior to the early-bird registration deadline date will receive a full refund. Cancellations made between the early-bird deadline date and eight days prior to the workshop will be subject to a $55 processing/materials charge. No refunds will be given within seven days of the workshop date. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.

Cancellations/Refunds for online professional development (webinars and online courses) must be submitted in writing via email to or mail to 2021 21st Ave S., Suite 320 Nashville, TN 37212. Cancellations made prior to the start date for the online course or the day of the webinar will be given a full refund. No refund will be given after the start date for the online course or on/after the day of the webinar. Registrants may transfer their registration to another person. Registrations cannot be transferred between courses or course sessions. AASLH is not responsible for cancellations that were mailed or emailed but never received.

If you have any questions, please contact AASLH Professional Development staff at or 615-320-3203.


Week 1- Welcome and introductions, discussion of dates, class format, deliverables, and class overview.
Class Zoom Link- Use this link for Thursday discussion classes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes Below is the link to the Zoom room we will use for all of the live discussion sessions. All sessions will be at 4:00pm (Eastern) on the following dates: Tuesday, August 27th and Thursdays August 29, September 5, 12, 19, 26, and October 3, 10, and 17. This Zoom room will not be monitored between classes. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 351 695 9907 Passcode: pv5YEF All recordings will be posted with a date and description after they occur. --- One tap mobile +13126266799,,3516959907#,,,,*451172# US (Chicago) +16469313860,,3516959907#,,,,*451172# US --- Dial by your location • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US Meeting ID: 351 695 9907 Passcode: 451172 Find your local number:
Syllabus- final version
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Final version of the syllabus
Zoom- Welcome PowerPoint
Recorded 08/27/2024  |  15 minutes
Recorded 08/27/2024  |  15 minutes This welcome PowerPoint explains the parameters of the class and walks through the class format. Passcode: ?FYf#5ee
Week 1- Academic museums: types, history, relationships with higher ed, governance within an academic setting. Creating the best scenarios without going against the grain, and assignment 1.
Zoom Recording Week 1 PowerPoint- History of Academic Museums
Recorded 08/30/2024  |  45 minutes
Recorded 08/30/2024  |  45 minutes Zoom Recording Week 1 PowerPoint- History of Academic Museums This recording is of the first lesson centered around the history of academic museums and how they are percieved. Passcode: i7avX%Z4
Assignment 1-NEW!
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 1: Read the first two sections of the AAMG 2022 Operational Data Collection document (stop at the appendix content) and submit up to two pages on how this data changes your preconceived ideas of academic museums. Include your “before and after” thoughts, highlighting how academic museums are structured differently. Copy and paste this link into your search bar:
Assignment 1
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Assignment 1: Read the first two sections of the AAMG 2022 Operational Data Collection document (stop at the appendix content) and submit up to two pages on how this data changes your preconceived ideas of academic museums. Include your “before and after” thoughts, highlighting how academic museums are structured differently.
Week 1 Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Please share your thoughts about the AAMG data collection piece from assignment 1. We will chat about it briefly during our next meeting, but please feel free to add your extended thoughts or questions here.
Week 2- Collections care within an academic setting: benefits and challenges- Introduction and assignment 2.
Zoom recording- Week 2- Academic Collections Care
Recorded 08/30/2024  |  30 minutes
Recorded 08/30/2024  |  30 minutes Zoom recording- Week 2- Academic Collections Care This PowerPoint goes over the basics of communicating collections care concerns to your peers and colleagues. I don't cover the nitty- gritty of collections care, but plan to discuss this in more detail in our Thursday class (which will be posted). Passcode: aCS7.c2N
Assignment 2
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 2: There was a budget mistake in your department/ college/ unit and your administrator has an extra $10,000 to give to a single project. Using the information you learned from the lecture, videos, and readings about the importance of university collections, write a compelling argument for the museum to receive the funds. Remember, you are trying to convince academic administrators who don’t have a museum background and who are juggling a variety of departments or projects that also need funding.
Week 2 Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Please discuss the things that we have learned in the last two classes. We covered academic plans, policies, and procedures as well as collections care within the academic setting. What surprised you and what do you think might be helpful to have in an academic setting?
Zoom Recording Week 2 Thursday Discussion
Recorded 09/06/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 09/06/2024  |  60 minutes During this class discussion we chat about collections care at a university or college with a focus on sharing ideas. Passcode: C5Ug?0=^
Zoom interview with Heidi Vaughn
Recorded 08/29/2024  |  40 minutes
Recorded 08/29/2024  |  40 minutes Zoom interview with Heidi Vaughn, University of Central Oklahoma Passcode: 40Ky!Wb7
Zoom interview with Lynn Clouser Waddell
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  38 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  38 minutes Lynn is the Director of the Drexel Founding Collection in Philadelphia, PA. Passcode: r%5OK8s. (Be sure to include the period in the passcode)
Zoom interview with Zoë Simmons
Recorded 08/26/2024  |  50 minutes
Recorded 08/26/2024  |  50 minutes Zoë Simmons is the head of Life Collections at the Oxford Museum of Natural History, in Oxford, UK. Passcode: N@J@Wbc4
Chau Chak Wing Museum
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  3 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  3 minutes This video was developed to show the impact of this new, purpose build campus museum. New video 09/05/2024 Also try this link:
Week 2- Reading 1 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes There are 4 readings in this section. Please read each one.
Week 2- Reading 2 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 2- Reading 3 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 2- Reading 4 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 3- Working with facilities, maneuvering within an established framework, and “why can’t I paint the gallery walls?”- Introduction and assignment 3.
Assignment 3
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 3: Write a one-page paper outlining the pros and cons of working with the facilities department at a college or university as opposed to working at a free-standing museum. In the long run, which do you think you would prefer?
Zoom Recording Week 3 PowerPoint- Working with Facilities
Recorded 09/06/2024  |  35 minutes
Recorded 09/06/2024  |  35 minutes Zoom Recording Week 3 PowerPoint- Working with Facilities- What do you mean I can't paint the walls?!? Passcode: 3+G.=0.C
Zoom Class Week 3 Thursday Discussion
Recorded 09/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 09/13/2024  |  60 minutes This Zoom discussion covers working with facilities and managing expectations. Passcode: h#bCY29r
Week 3- Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Discuss what you thought of the working with facilities lecture. Did you find some of the examples logical or laughable? Please don't bash anyone or any institution for illogical processes, that kind of criticism doesn't help, but it can create an interesting conversation if done constructively.
Zoom interview with Casey Seger
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  29 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  29 minutes Casey is the collections manager at the Great Plains Art Museum at the University of Nebraska. Passcode: Fx^4kr%#
Zoom interview with Tannis Davidson
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  46 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  46 minutes Tannis is the Head of Zoological and Science Collections at the University College London, in the UK. Passcode: #Dzc4017
Chelsea Trenbeath Zoom interview
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  36 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  36 minutes Chelsea is a recent grad of a museum program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Passcode: AT2*!Web
Week 3- Reading 1 of 1
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 4- Advocacy, both for yourself and your collection on an institutional, state, regional, and national level- Introduction and assignment 4.
Week 4- Advocacy PowerPoint
Recorded 09/13/2024  |  30 minutes
Recorded 09/13/2024  |  30 minutes This PowerPoint discusses advocacy for yourself and your collection. Passcode: K8V58%0@
Assignment 4
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 4- Research and reach out to a museum organization (state, regional, or specialty) and report your findings to the class, either in writing or via a short video presentation. How helpful is their advocacy assistance, what types of organizations would benefit the most from becoming a member, and what do you think they might work on to increase membership? Please choose an organization that you are not already familiar with.
Week 4 Class Discussion via Zoom
Recorded 09/20/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 09/20/2024  |  60 minutes This week we talked about advocacy with guest speaker Alexandra Chamberlain, the AAMG Director of Operations. Passcode: #??&N0g9
Week 4- Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Share resources and examples of how you have used these resources to advocate for yourself or your institution in the past. What have you learned from this section about advocating in a larger institution? Do you think we should have more advocacy workshops and if so, how should they be delivered? (In person, digitally, on paper, etc.)
Zoom interview with Rusty Baker
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  25 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  25 minutes Rusty is the Executive Director for PA Museums, the Pennsylvania state museum association. Passcode: G?23N6*Z
Zoom Interview with Andrew Simpson, ICOM-UMAC
Recorded 09/05/2024  |  40 minutes
Recorded 09/05/2024  |  40 minutes In this zoom interview with Andrew Simpson we talk about advocacy and ICOM- UMAC (International Council of Museums- University Museums and Collections). Passcode: pT^Wij4h
The Museums and Collections of Higher Education
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. By Andrew Simpson
Week 4- Readings 1 of 5
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 4- Reading 2 of 5
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 4- Reading 3 of 5
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 4- Reading 4 of 5
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 4- Reading 5 of 5
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 5- Working with development/ foundations for fundraising and donations, both what to do and what NOT to do- Introduction and assignment 5.
Week 5 Power Point- Fundraising and Foundations
Recorded 09/20/2024  |  40 minutes
Recorded 09/20/2024  |  40 minutes Week 5 Power Point- Fundraising and Foundations Passcode: G3%7s@PQ
Zoom Recording Week 5 Discussion
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  60 minutes Week 5 discussion via Zoom. We cover development, fundraising, and donor relations within the university setting. Passcode: @Q%G&3
Assignment 5
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 5: Write a one-page memo for your university or college development office to use while promoting your museum. Assume that they know nothing about the museum or collection (including the correct name!). Give them highlights, talking points, facts, and feel-good antidotes. Remember, this is aimed at donors, so use museum jargon sparingly if at all, and give the donors (both object and monetary) a reason to care about your collection.
Week 5- Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Discuss fundraising and friend-raising in an academic environment. Have you ever had to collaborate with other departments or institutions for creative fundraising and if so, how did it go? Do you have questions about navigating this system? Please share them, so we may discuss!
Zoom interview with Susan Baley
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  34 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  34 minutes Susan is the Director of the Grinnell College Museum of Art on the campus of Grinnell College in Iowa. Passcode: 0a?$NQ*f
Zoom interview with Sally Shelton
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  38 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  38 minutes Sally is the Associate professor of practice and associate chair Heritage and Museum Sciences at the Museum of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. Passcode: pUcuT+=4
Week 5- Reading 1 of 3
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 5- Reading 2 of 3
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 5- Reading 3 of 3
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 6- Faculty and Student engagement, how do you get students into the museum? - Introduction and assignment 6.
Assignment 6
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 6: Design a student engagement/ Hands on Learning classroom. What amenities would your classroom have and what purposes would they serve? Think about a variety of uses and ways to achieve them in your design. Assume that the room will be near your office, so you will be available to utilize and monitor, but that you won’t always be the one teaching the class. Plan the facility accordingly.
Week 6 PowerPoint- Faculty and Student engagement
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  30 minutes
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  30 minutes This PowerPoint covers ways to move forward with faculty and student engagement on campus. Passcode: #Ff3Mk@?
Zoom Recording Week 6 Discussion
Recorded 10/07/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 10/07/2024  |  60 minutes Week 6 discussion with guest speaker Valerie Innella Maiers who is a faculty member and long time museum supporter at Casper College. Passcode: 6UfC4Ub?
Week 6- Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Discuss ideas for faculty and student engagement that we didn't go over in class. Share your ideas, insights (if you are now or were recently a student), and thoughts on engaging the campus community.
Zoom interview with Brittany Burgess
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  23 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  23 minutes Brittany is the Student Affairs program Manager at the University of Michigan's Museum of Natural History. Passcode: 37mQc2D@
Zoom interview with Eve Guerry
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  34 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  34 minutes Eve is the Academic Engagement Coordinator at the new Chau Chak Wing Museum on the campus of the University of Sydney in Australia. Passcode: 98x!XX$y
Chau Chak Wing PowerPoint
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This PowerPoint briefly goes through some of the points that were referenced in Eve Guerry's recorded interview.
Zoom interview with Will Stoutamire
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  40 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  40 minutes Will is a faculty member at the University of Nebraska, who works with the museum studies program and was previously a museum director on campus. Passcode: Fa=U2dW4
Zoom interview with Mark Ryan
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  26 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  26 minutes Mark is the Assistant Director of Collections and Exhibitions at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Passcode: &FUN?Y25
Week 6- Reading 1 of 6
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 6- Reading 2 of 6
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 6- Reading 3 of 6
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 6- Reading 4 of 6
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 6- Reading 5 of 6
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 6- Podcast
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 7- Connecting to campus and your wider community- Introduction and assignment 7.
Assignment 7
Passing Grade: C
Passing Grade: C Assignment 7: Develop an outreach activity or program that would appeal to both college students and the general public. Create and upload a video to walk us through the activity or event. You will need to fully explain the program or activity and create 2 (two) marketing pieces, (can be flyer, mailer, social media- specify platform, or other marketing piece) one aimed at the public and one aimed at campus/students. Think about what kinds of information each would need and which format is most likely to reach your intended audience.
Week 7- Discussion
Make 3 discussion posts to continue.
Make 3 discussion posts to continue. Discuss how important outreach is for an academic museum. Some staff think it is much less important than others. Why do you think that is? How does outreach help you advocate for your museum and how can you do it with limited resources?
Week 7 PowerPoint- Connecting to Campus and the Community
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  40 minutes
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  40 minutes This PowerPoint discusses ways to connect to the larger community as well as with campus in a more casual way. Passcode: i6ZrC#Ft
Week 7 discussion notes (not a Zoom recording)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. I forgot to record yesterday's discussion session. I have tried to recreate the discussion with the attached bullet point document. It isn't in the same order as the discussion, but I hope I have captured the main points.
Zoom interview with India Hayford
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  35 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  35 minutes India was the Museum Assistant (read that as all around staff person who does EVERYTHING) at the Werner Wildlife Museum at Casper College in Wyoming. She has recently retired. Passcode: @+#4GNcJ
Zoom Interview with Kallie Moore
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  38 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  38 minutes Kallie is the collections Manager at the University of Montana, in Missoula, MT. Passcode: B8D.x^@$
Zoom interview with Susan Rowe
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  35 minutes
Recorded 08/12/2024  |  35 minutes Susan is the Education Manager at the Lubbock Lake Landmark at Texas Tech University, Passcode: 2bSb3$5Y
AAM- Museum Visitation: Demographics of U.S. Museum-Goers (2024)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. The 2024 annual survey of museum-goers data story update
Week 7- Reading 1 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 7- Reading 2 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 7- Reading 3 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 7- Reading 4 of 4
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Week 7 Additional Reading
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  5 minutes
Recorded 09/27/2024  |  5 minutes Increase Visits with Content Marketing for Museums
Week 8- Final discussion, review, reflections. Missing work and final questionnaire are due Monday, October 21st 5:00pm EST.
Week 8- Discussion
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. Discuss what you've learned in class. What were your perceptions of academic museums and collections before the class and what are they now? Do you feel prepared to transition into the academic museum setting?
Class Survey
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  2/2 points to pass Final survey/assessment
Week 8 class discussion on Zoom
Recorded 10/18/2024  |  45 minutes
Recorded 10/18/2024  |  45 minutes Passcode: IP&i2vU^
Zoom interview contact information
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This is the contact information for most of the guest speakers and Zoom interviewees. They are happy to chat (via email) if you have any questions!
Course Survey
13 Questions
13 Questions Please note the survey must be completed and a passing grade must be achieved before the Certificate of Completion is available.
1 Small Museum Pro! Certificate Credit credit  |  Certificate available
1 Small Museum Pro! Certificate Credit credit  |  Certificate available